Please read this overview to successfully understand how to work in the My Company section within Symphony. 


My Company is your company asset library. It is used for Solicitations and Contract Management.

  • My Company is where you build your company asset library in advance of building your submission. 
  • Your company asset library is reusable across all of your proposal submissions which means that it is where general information belongs. 
  • The Company Overview provides a summary of your assets; such as Team Members, MRCLs, Projects/Past Performance, and Business Factors. 


Watch this video for a brief overview.

1. The Company Overview

The first screen is your Company Overview. Please ensure your company name and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) are for the company that will be prime for your proposal(s) or contract(s). 


2. SAM Data

SAM data is pulled directly from your SAM record and is for display use only. Incorrect data needs to be updated at SAM because it is your official system of record. A request to refresh the SAM data may require a contract modification and a ticket to the helpdesk outlining the changes. Please reference How to Review the SAM data for more information.


3. Team Members

For solicitations, your company is the first team member in your asset library. If your company has additional team members, use the Team Members tab to add them to your asset library. Please reference the Symphony Team Members folder for more information.


Symphony Team Members refers to Contractor Teaming Arrangements (CTAs). Team Members can be Joint Venture members, subcontractors, or SBA Approved Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture Members. Team Members are not users of your company. Please reference How to Perform User Management for more information on your company's users.


4. MRCLs

For solicitations, MRCLs are available for Meaningful Relationship Commitment Letters. If your company has MRCLs, use the MRCLs tab to add them to your asset library. Please reference the Symphony MRCLs folder for more information.


5. Projects and Past Performance

Projects & Past Performance are defined by their title, contract number, and Prime Contractor for solicitations.  Once you add your project details in My Company, you can add pool-specific factors related to your projects/past performance in your proposal. Please reference the Symphony Projects/Past Performance folder for more information.


6. Business Factors

For solicitations, Business Factors include systems, certifications, clearances, and other documents that are relevant to your company's asset library. The Business Factors belonging to your company or MRCLs will show claimed or unclaimed in the overview. Please reference the Symphony Business Factors folder for more information.


Any business factors that belong to a Team Member will not display on your company overview. They belong to the Team Members. 


7. Contracts 

Contract management activities occur in this section when a contract is awarded for a Contract vehicle in Symphony. Please reference Contract Holder Support for more information.


8. Documents

For solicitations, all files that you upload can be viewed in their corresponding folders in the Documents library. 

  • You can use your documents in multiple pools and for multiple solicitations. Solicitation-specific documents are simply duplicates that cause more work for you and the evaluators.  
  • You cannot add or remove documents from this view-only screen. 


It is recommended you complete Your Company Assets before applying for a pool. Please reference the Offeror Support folder for more information. Changes can only be made to this data before the submission deadline. Any changes will reflect in all pool submissions unless the proposal has already been submitted. Once the Solicitation deadline is met, all assets are frozen. 


If you still need help, contact us.

Users should be aware that the information available on this website may not reflect the official positions of the government. Views and opinions expressed by agents of Apex Logic, Inc. are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of the government or any of its officials. Guidelines and requirements provided by the government in the form of solicitations, amendments, modifications, or any other communications supersede any information provided by Apex Logic, Inc. If you have questions about this disclaimer please contact us.
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