Inactive Account Help

Posted over 1 year ago by Kristina Pierce

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Kristina Pierce Admin

If you see an Account Inactive message when you attempt to sign in, ask your Point of Contact (POC) to sign in or register at the same link and for the same company. 

  • You can retrieve the Points of Contact information at any time at (
  • Contact your SAM POC outside Symphony and request that they activate your account in their administration link within Symphony.

Inactive Account message

Please note Administrators will only receive an email notifying them of your registration if they already have an account. The email is for advisory purposes and is not required for user activation.

  • Your SAM POC will not see you if either of you used the incorrect website for the contract vehicle.
  • Your SAM POC will not see you if either of you registered for a different company (UEI and Cage).
  • If you make updates to the SAM POC(s) after you register, it will not work for login, and we will need to manually activate your account.


If you still need help, contact us.

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